A conductor's hands


You need a system to help organize and prioritize your patrons, a tool that recognizes the most important aspects of a patron’s investment in your organization. RSC’s Patron Investment Ranking (PIR) is that tool.  

Our PIR looks at each patron’s donation, subscription and ticket buying history and ranks them by using RSC algorithms. With that ranking, you can identify patrons at risk and those who are rising, and prioritize the patrons who need your attention the most.

Here’s What Our Clients Are Saying

  • “As we entered the 2023-24 season, the Fresno Philharmonic wanted to take a step back to better understand our donors and patrons, rather than just move forward with plans like it was 2019. Engaging RSC helped us better understand our patron data and trends, allowing us to refocus and find a path that makes sense for us now...”

    Fresno Philharmonic